Despite turbulent changes in Cyprus banking the Cyprus banking system is evolving and changing dynamically towards becoming secure, safe and reliable service provider. Furthermore is more transparent and complies with all current GDPR regulation and anti-money laundering procedures.

The advantage of working with Cyprus banks is that they are trusted partners and overseas transfers can be facilitated in a fast and efficient manner.

Also, if you ever decide to open bank account in other EU-country, recommendation/referral letters from Cyprus banks are highly regarded due their tight policy on KYC and GDPR.

Our experience team can help you to open bank account either by distance or on the spot. We will guide your financial transactions and provide necessary agreements to meet new ever tightening regulations on anti-money laundering, GDPR and KYC.


Banks both locally and abroad are moving towards conducting all business via their respective digital platforms as Bank’s look to move away from face to face service and embrace the new digital age. Latest reports in 2019 indicate that clients of Cyprus Banks are conducting majority of their transactions online without the need to visit a branch. This is bringing Cyprus in line with foreign Banks who have already adopted this ‘new way’ of conducting business and have done so for several years. We will begin to see Cyprus Banks investing heavily in their own IT infrastructures and its people to achieve a level of efficiency not seen before.

If you need help navigating the new banking environment our staff are here to help